The Siren’s Palace: A Fashion Portrait with Rosie Hardy

Goyt Valley, Peak District, United Kingdom
September 23rd, 2015
Model: Georgia Burridge, Nemesis Model Agency

For those of you who haven’t been keeping up with me, I’m in ENGLAND! Although, I haven’t been keeping up too much with social media since I’ve been traveling, so who can blame you if you didn’t know!
My first few days in the UK were…. hectic, but absolutely wonderful. On my third day in the country, I hitched up to Manchester to meet up with my FAVORITE photographer, Rosie Hardy, where I would spend the next two days studying under her, learning all about her photoshopping magic. On the first day of “Rehab”, as she likes to call it, we hiked up to the hilly mountains for a wedding workshop (photos to come!), but the following day, we decide it was time for me to step out of my comfort zone and work on some fashion photography! We threw the model into a stunning red dress and headed up to Goyt Valley. The foliage in the photos is the perfect representation of plant life in the region. Every where you looked, there were massive amounts of this fern-like plant. So, off frolicking through the woods we went to find the perfect area.