Midwest Spring Wedding {Lauren & Evan}

Midwest Spring WeddingLauren & Evan’s Midwest Spring Wedding was a great way to ease back into the wedding season! Despite the weather (cold, rainy, snowy, and super windy, all in one day), Lauren remained calm, cool, and collected throughout the entire day! Well, minus her little ‘false eyelash’ meltdown! (Lauren, I’m just kidding, but you know that was hilarious!) I arrived at St. James Lutheran Church in Reynolds, Indiana at 11 am, although all 7 bridesmaids had arrived around 8 am to start their hair and make up! Phew, such an early start.

I always shoot the bridal details first thing in the morning, and pretty soon I came to find out that Lauren had LOTS of family heirlooms she was incorporating into her wedding! I’m a very sentimental person, so it was really amazing to see all of the bride’s special pieces. The engagement ring is Lauren’s mothers ring, her fathers ring, and Evan’s mothers ring melted into one! Such an awesome family heirloom! Lauren even had two hearts cut from her grandfathers’ shirts sewn to the inside of her dress. Such a sweet way to remember her loved ones!

Soon after the bride finished her hair, I headed over to photograph the groom getting all fancy before the ceremony! We had expected 50mph winds for Saturday, but up until around 1pm, the weather was quite mild. BUT, the moment I arrived at Evan’s, the wind got a little out of hand! We headed outside for a few portraits, but quickly had to make our way back in! I swear, I almost got knocked to the ground by that wind!!

Lauren & Evan had a light, and beautiful ceremony, and the power even went out right as they finished walking back up the isle together! Thanks again, wind! The reception was held at the Reynolds elementary school just a block from the church. You’d think that decorating a school gym to be a gorgeous reception venue would be a difficult task, but with all their friends and family to help, they made it look absolutely stunning! The green balloons tied to the bleachers really added a fun and adorable twist! Too. Cute!

We ended the evening with a silhouette portrait against the night sky! Stars make for the most beautiful backdrop! I’m SO excited to share not only the silhouette, but also the rest of the wedding! But for now, I have to keep you guessing! Enjoy Lauren & Evan’s wedding sneak peek and keep your eyes peeled for their entire celebration!


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